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Job ads

A job ad, also known as job advertisement, is a document that describes  an open position and talks about a certain work place being avaible that you may get if you meet the requirements needed for the company. The job ad should have: a summary of the vacancy with the selection criteria, the job expectations, some company information, the experience required and the minimum level of studies required.    Here you have some of the tips the eTwinners find useful


Be short 


Make it a short and simple ad with as much information as possible, and with all  the requirements that the worker needed  must have.


Engaging job description


If you have an engaging job description, more people will read it. If you do not distinguish your ad from others, you will not attract the attention of the public.  You can also use bold words. 

Key information and pictures


Include as much information as possible regarding the requirements the worker must have and the job position. You can also add pictures of the workplace. 



Our job ad eBook

Do you want to see what a good ad looks like? Have a look at our jobs ads to gain inspiration or to understand the structure of a good job ad. 

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