Jobs around me
An eTwinning project
Job interviews
A job interview is a conversation between a job candidate and a potential employer. The employer typically asks questions to the candidate to learn more about their qualifications, skills, experience, and personality. The candidate explains why he or she should be hired.
Here are four pieces of advice for someone going to a job interview:
Relax and be prepared: Before the interview, research the company and the position and prepare answers to common interview questions. For example, you have to be ready to answer the following questions: Could you tell me about yourself?; how did you hear about this position?; How do you deal with stressful situations?
Be confident, but not arrogant, and show respect for the interviewer.
Dress appropriately and arrive on time: First impressions matter, so dress professionally and arrive on time or a few minutes early.
During the interview, listen carefully to the questions, answer honestly, and show enthusiasm for the job and the company.
Our interviews
eTwinners in "Jobs around me" have been role-playing job interviews. We hope to inspire you!