Unit 1: The UN 17 goals for Sustainable Development
1.1.The 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals are interconnected global goals designed to be a blueprint for achieving a better, more sustainable future for all and for the planet (Group 3).
The objectives of the 2030 agenda include the 17 goals created byall United Nations Member States in 2015.They were created with the aim of pace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and the future. They are an urgent call for all countries to promote eco-sustainable actions. These goals going from the construction of new sustainable buildings to combating hunger among the most needy people (Group 3).
If you click on the objectives below you will see the connection with one of our companies in group 3.
1.2. The connection with our businesses
Goal 6. Clean water and sanitasion
Our business idea is a construction company that creates wetlands on already built edifications. These are used to filter and clean the water on builidngs withouth using chemicals, so this water can be reused (Group 8).
Goal 7. Affordable and clean energy
Our business idea is to build sustainable buildings with solar panel roofs. This kind of energy is sustainable, it is infinite since it comes from the sun and it does not pollute. (Group 3).
Goal 9. Industry innovation
Our business idea is to manufacture furniture made from wheat and sorghum, as it is a resistant material. Innovative, eco-friendly furniture can be a really good innovation. We think it's a good idea because it respect the differents goal, like the 9 industry innovation and infrastructure or 11 sustainable cities and communities (Group 6).
Goal 11. Sustainable cities
Our business idea is to place rain water collectorsin places where it rains a lot. In construction water is used, for example, for doing mixes such as concrete, which is made of sand, water and cement, It is also used for washing tools. That means a big consumption of water (Group 4).
Our business idea is to manufacture materials made of resuable plastic, like pipelines. Instead of using new plastic we would use the plastic from bottles or anything that can be resusable (Group 2).
Goal 13. Climate action
Our business idea is to make cellullose. Cellullose is an insulating material that is made fo recycled materials. It is injected in cavities by opening holes in walls and ceilings (Group 1).
Our business idea is to build housed with a slope on the roof, to allow water to be collected for sanitasion. In addition, the houses will have stained glass windows made of recycled materials. Stained glass windows make it possible to reduce energy (Group 5).
Life on land
Our business ideas it to build buildings with plants that would help the environmment and would be very useful in big cities, where there aren't many trees (Group 7)
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